motivate yourself
Posted in Personal Development Self Esteem

Motivating Yourself

At times, even the best of us can become demotivated. Feelings of failure, too many negative thoughts, or even becoming tired due to working too…

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Posted in Personal Development Self Esteem

How to Persevere when it Gets Hard

Perseverance is hard to have sometimes. Things happen in everyday life that just make you want to crawl under a rock and hide. It becomes a challenge to stick our heads back out into the world where they may get bitten off in the process. This is what perseverance is all about.

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Posted in Personal Development Self Esteem

Boost Your Business With Positive Thinking In 5 Simple Steps

We all know how powerful our mind is. By being pessimistic, you attract negative things into your life. But by being optimistic, you are opening up your life to positive opportunities. Sounds like a great business strategy doesn’t it? But how does positive thinking work exactly? How can you boost your business with positive thinking?

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