Tag: Personal Development
Finding All The Leaks In Your Online Business
Whether your business is just getting off the ground or it’s been established for quite a while, there are always times when you need to take stock. Not literally inventory your stock on hand, but look at where your business stands and how successful and profitable it truly is.
You Are More Intelligent Than You Think
Boost Your IQ With These Simple Tips & Strategies
There seems to be a common thought that intelligence is an inherent, inborn thing that can’t be changed — that you have a certain level of intelligence, and that’s the end of it. That is wrong!
4 Step Goal Setting Strategy
Everyone has certain goals they want to reach. It might be weight loss or finances in your personal life, or specific business growth goals in your career. Regardless of what milestones you want to achieve, you won’t get there if all you have is the end result in mind.
Setting goals is just one part of the equation. Knowing how to get there is the piece of the puzzle that so many people leave out, which leads them to flounder, procrastinate and veer off course until one day they realize they’re completely off base and have wasted a lot of time and effort.
There are four easy steps you can take to ensure your goals are met. It’s a process that allows you to map out where you want to be and take steps to get there with ease.