You Are More Intelligent Than You Think

You Are More Intelligent

Quick-Tip — Short Story — Quick-Tip — Short Story — Quick-Tip — Short Story

Boost Your IQ With These Simple Tips & Strategies

There seems to be a common thought that intelligence is an inherent, inborn thing that can’t be changed — that you have a certain level of intelligence, and that’s the end of it. He’s clever, I’m not, and that’s just the way it is.

Well, this is absolutely untrue!

The human brain is capable of wondrous things. Most of us are 100% capable of improving ourselves in countless ways. One of them being intelligence. It would be a terrible thing to test yourself at the age of 17 with an IQ test, receive a score of 100, and, if anyone asks, even years later, you tell them just that — “my IQ is 100” — as if there is no chance that it will ever change.

It can be improved! It just takes a little effort. Effort to learn new ways of problem solving and development of thinking skills. For example, if someone asked you and another person a math question: what is 321×5? The other person answers within a few seconds: “1605!”. But you didn’t know the answer.

Does this mean you are not as intelligent? Not at all. In fact, you may be more intelligent than the other person, it’s just that they know how to work the answer out. They know of n easy way to easily multiply numbers by 5. The strategy is this: times the number by 10, then divide by 2. So you just add a zero to the original number, then divide by 2! This goes to show that learning the correct thinking strategies can increase your IQ.

This strategy and other concepts are easily used when learned. It’s just a case of finding new ways of thinking. New strategies to work out problems that you have never thought of before. It’s beyond this short article to discuss many more, but there are a lot of resources, books and courses out there that discuss such things in great detail.


Quick Lifestyle Tips to Boost Brain Power

As well as learning the correct strategies and tricks to enhance your intelligence, the following lifestyle tips or changes will also add a little boost to your IQ.



Exercise can improve brain power. Instantly. According to John Medina, a human brain development expert, aerobic exercise has been proven to increase cognitive function. The increased oxygen into the brain increases mental sharpness. Regular exercise will enhance brain function and memory retention.

In fact, even 60 seconds of exercise can help. Try 10 push ups, or jog on the spot for 1 minute to feel the benefits. You’ll notice that you have become more alert and feel less stressed — almost instantly.



It may seem more productive to work more and sleep less, but lack of sleep can be damaging to cognitive ability. Napping in the afternoon can work wonders too. You know that time, just after lunch where you feel so lethargic that you could quite happily fall asleep on the spot? Well, your body is trying to tell you something. Taking just a 20 minute nap can improve brain power by up to 30%!



Your diet can have an impact on brainpower and thinking ability. A diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids, blueberries, leafy greens and green tea or coffee can help reduce free radicals, and enhance brain health. Drinking more pure water throughout the day will also help. Dehydration will reduce oxygen to the brain, and can cause mental fatigue.

It may sometimes be difficult to obtain all these brain-healthy nutrients within your normal diet. That is where taking supplements can help. Omega 3 oils, ginkgo biloba and ginseng have all been related to improvements in concentration, sharper memory, and reduction of brain aging.

It’s good to remember that our intelligence is not always down to genetics. Your IQ level is not stuck at the same level for your entire life. This article shows that intelligence can easily be improved. It just takes a little effort and persistence — being willing to know how and where to learn new ways of thinking.

Author: Oliver Flossdorf

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